Monday, June 6, 2011

6 Idw Shapes on Inventor

For this activity, we had to choose 6 shapes that we sketched previously on isometric paper and we had to make them on Inventor. When we finished all 6 shapes we had to put them on idw which shows the top, front, right and isometric view with its dimensions.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Parametric Constraints

In class, we learned about parametric constraints and how it is involoved in making an object on inventor. For instance, d2=d0/.25. That shows the the third step of the assembly has an equation using the previous measures. If you change one of the numbers, all of the other parametric constraints change too. we had to fill out a table and use that to make a table on inventor.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Basic Constraints and Driving Constraints- Inventor

For this assignment, we had to practice using the basic constraints on Inventor to create a block with multiple shapes on it. Rotating and constraining the shapes to create the image below. we had an instruction guide on microsoft that gave directions as to what to do with the basic constraints and driving constraints to create them.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Inventor Assignments

  In this class assignment, we had to open a CAD document and follow the instructions in order to make the objects above on Inventor. It had us learning the features of inventor and how to use/apply them. Such as mirror, thread, coil, decal, fillet, rectangular pattern, circular pattern, and many more.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Puzzle Cube on Inventor

To continue this puzzle cube project, we had to make the cube on inventor. First me made the pieces indivually according to the combinations we used to make the cube. We then put it together in Inventor under iam. We had to animate it on ipn when we finished the orignal cube to watch the pieces come together in order. Lastly, we had to show the cube on idw.Explains the order of the pieces, the author, manager etc.                                                                             

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Puzzle Cube Project

I had to draw as many combinations as i can using three, four, five or six blocks. Out of those combinatons we had to choose five to make a cube. We had to sketch each piece and how they would fit together with a 3 by 3 constraint, and when  I finally found a combination using five pieces, I was able to actually make the cube and the packaging.

Engineer's Notebook

For this class, we need to have an engineer's notebook where we write everything down and sketch. it has to be on grid paper and we have to format it the correct way. Every time we do an activity, we write down the process, our ideas, and draw sketches. the following are notebook entries:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The History of Measurement

For this project, we were given papers with our assignments and it was based on measurents and their history. About how the metric system came to be and how it affects engineering and science in  many ways. We had to make a powerpoint answering all the questions and a CD cover explaining what was going to be learned within the powerpoint.

Beverage Container

We had to design a cup with a partner and modernize it by adding new feature that a regular styrofone cup doesnt have. after we drew it on a poster, we had to go on invertor and design like we had in the poster.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Evolution of the Telephone

We each had to choose on object and research it for this project. For example, who inented it, when, and how it was changed over the years. I chose to research the telephone, and did all my research online. Out of all the information i recieved, I made a power point which I later printed out and glued on the poster board.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cup Innovator

For this class activity, we had to come up with ideas to make the current better in some ways. we had to sketch it out (on a poster board and the engineer's notebook) write down the new ideas, and actually make a model using a styrofoam cup. 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

21st Century Inventions

For this assignment, the class had to make a power point picking four objects invented in the 21st century. We started with the introduction followed by th inventions and their explination of who invented it, when etc.  Closing with the conclusion- what we learned doing the power point and how all these inventions affect people and their everyday lives.